At Blinn College, we specialize in helping students transfer to their dream university. In fact, Blinn's academic transfer rate is higher than any community college in the State of Texas and almost doubles the statewide average.
This web page has been designed to provide you with an overview of the transfer process. For specific recommendations, you will want to meet with an academic advisor to discuss your specific goals, including the university and major you wish to pursue.
With the assistance of your academic advisor, you should be certain to understand all of the requirements for admission at your chosen university, such as:
- Application deadlines
- Minimum grade point average requirements
- Course transfer equivalency
- Limits on the number of credit hours that are acceptable in transfer
- Policies on acceptance of repeated courses and courses with a grade of “D”
Of equal importance is a personal visit to the chosen institution. Many senior institutions plan special activities and campus visitation periods where you can meet with representatives from all areas of the institution.
By consulting the four-year institution regularly and taking advantage of the resources offered at Blinn, you may ensure that the transfer process is a positive experience.
Major Guidelines to Texas Institutions
Still deciding your transfer destination? That's OK!
In the table below, you can find the degree offerings, transfer guide, and core curricula for Blinn's most common transfer partners. You also can find information regarding which majors are offered at different Texas colleges at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's or by visiting the universities' websites.
Transfer Intent Form
Have a university transfer destination in mind? Complete the form below and the Blinn College District will share your contact information with the selected institution.
Note: Only admitted students with a myBLINN login can complete this form.
Course Equivalency Guides
Equivalency guides offer a listing of how courses transfer to each specific institution. This information can be helpful if you have selected a senior institution but have not chosen a major yet. Please note that the transfer equivalencies offer information on how, or if, courses are generally accepted by the university and do not indicate how these courses will apply toward a particular major or degree program.
Texas Common Course Numbering System Equivalents by Institution
Transfer Partnerships
The Texas Common Course Numbering System and each university’s transfer guides provide general information regarding how your community college credits may transfer to your university of choice.
In addition to these general transfer pathways, Blinn has entered into agreements with numerous university partners to identify specific degree pathways, allowing you to map out the courses you take at Blinn and the courses you take at your chosen university to complete your bachelor's degree. Below, you can search for our partnerships according to major or university: